
Fallout new vegas fan art
Fallout new vegas fan art

fallout new vegas fan art fallout new vegas fan art

DWOAH: Nicholas Raine vs The Lone WandererDeadliest warriors of all historyNicholas Raine vs The Lone WandererStep out into the apocalypseNicholas Raine info:Height: 6 footWeight: 200lbsWeapons: Bare Hands, Wingsticks, Settler Pistol, Combat Shotgun, Authority Machine Gun, Striker Crossbow, HE Grenades, Rocket Launcher, Authority Pulse CannonStrengths: Is the main character of Rage, Peak human strength (Can carry several heavy Weapons without any hindrance, Can beat Armoured Authority Soldiers, Bandits and smaller Mutants to death with his Bare Hands), Extreme durability (Can survive dozens of bullets and several explosions before dying), Peak human speed, Can heal himself via Bandages, Can bring himself back from the brink of death thanks to the Defibrillator Unit housed in his chest, Activating his Defib Unit releases a lethal EMP-like pulse that damages or outright kills nearby enemies, Each of his weapons have alternate ammunition for multiple situations e.g.

Fallout new vegas fan art